Thursday, January 7, 2010

First crisis averted

We received our first two information packets. The first is 24 pages of fact gathering. The second is 85 pages of reading---yes 85! The first packet looked a bit intimidating, but actually wasn't too bad. The only bad part was answering the same question at least 5 times. Of course it wasn't a yes/no question or a check this box type of thing. It was one of those where you have to attach a separate sheet of paper and explain in detail type thing. Copy and paste are my best friends! I hate to admit that I haven't started reading the second packet yet. Its all about laws and policies and fee schedules--very exciting reading.
So our first crisis (sorry honey, but I have to be thorough). About a week ago, I said to Jon, "We need a copy of our birth certificates. Do you have yours?" Jon assured me that he did. So last night when we were gathering all the final papers that needed to be included in our packet, Jon went to get his birth certificate. Guess what, it wasn't there. It wasn't anywhere here or with his parents. Guess who wasn't born in Ohio? We can't just go downtown and get a copy. We have to order it online and wait 7-10days to receive it. Did I mention that the packet has to be returned to the adoption agency with in 10days of our application?
Jon is a very lucky man! Andrea, our agency contact, is extremely understanding and will start processing the paperwork with out his birth certificate. We got everything else together and mailed it out this afternoon. Once they process the information in this packet, guess what.....we get another packet. I see a trend starting!
I love you baby!

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