Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How about some more good news?

I let Andrea (the woman we've been working with at the adoption agency) know that we were switching agencies (see yesterdays post if you haven't already). I let her know about the website and the some of the comments we found and let her know that we just didn't feel comfortable continuing with them. She talked to the director of the agency who apparently talked to the agency attorney and they all e mailed me advising me they would be happy to refund our application fee (that was previously non refundable). While it is just a small step in the right direction, at least we are going in the right direction.

On to the new agency. We have switched to Holt International. They were one of the first agencies we looked at. They have a fabulous reputation and are well established. The only reason we didn't originally go with them is because they aren't local and I thought it would be easier to use someone in the same state. Through them, and our friends, we have found Bellefaire JCB. They are the local agency who will be doing our home study. They don't even know who we are yet (our paperwork hasn't even finished going through Holt yet), but have allowed us to sign up for 2 mandatory adoption/training classes in the next couple weeks so we can be in the same class as our friends. The classes sound like they will be a huge help in many areas, but one in particular is explaining to your kids why their new sister looks nothing like them and how to adjust to that. I'm looking forward to it, although in just over 2 days we have to sit through 23 hours of training. That will be a challenge!


Melissa said...

I am so excited for you guys and glad you are happy with the new agency. Let me know if you need any help with the boys while you are training. Thanks for changing your comment settings so I can post!

Connie Krebs said...

How awesome! I hope that things go a lot smoother from here on out!

Debbie said...

i think we can, i think we can...haha