Sunday, January 30, 2011

One more hurdle

In Ohio, a birth mother has 72hours from the time the baby is born until the time she can sign surrender papers. Once the papers have been signed, its pretty much over for her.
We would hope that she has notified the birth father of the situation, but that isn't always the case. In order to be fair to the dads, Ohio has a paternal father registry. Dads have 30days from the time a baby is born to put their names on a registry. It basically says that he wants a say in what is going to happen to his baby.
When we were in the hospital with Ellie, the birth father did not sign the papers because he is not completely sure he is the father. He has been on board with the adoption since the beginning but, because he didn't sign, he had the right to file with the registry. If he filed, a DNA test would have been ordered. If he was the father, he could stop the adoption.
Right now, we're in limbo. Since Franklin county (and the rest of Ohio) is so back logged, if he did file with the registry, it could take 4 months to be notified that he filed. However, we would think (hope, assume, pray) that if he filed, he would have at least let the agency know. As of Friday at 5pm, his 30day mark (since the 29th was a Saturday), he had not notified the agency of anything. We don't actually think he filed or has any intention of interrupting the adoption, but its just one step closer to knowing Ellie is actually ours---now we just have to wait to make sure its clear!

1 comment:

meg said...

...ugh i remember celebrating when we hit our 30th day, but saying worried until we heard officially...praying you thru the worry...