Thursday, June 24, 2010


I checked in with our social worker yesterday. Things are still moving slow over there, but they have placed 2 babies this month. Both were ER calls, meaning the baby was born and the mom did not want to take it home. With the first baby, the mom told the agency to pick the parents. In that case, they go to the couple that has been waiting the longest. The second baby was a boy so our social worker did not present us.
Right now we are #5 on a list of 7. They haven't had that many families willing to take AA babies in a year or two. How sad is that? 2 of the four families ahead of us are not willing to accept a baby with ANY exposure to drugs and alcohol by the mom and are very limited as to what family issues they will accept--meaning does a parent suffer from depression, heart disease and so on. So in a way that kind of makes us #3 on the list. Its rare to come across a baby with no (or little) social or medical issues. What does being #3 or #5 mean---pretty much nothing. If a mom comes in she is still presented all the families that are willing to accept her history. The only time it comes in handy to be at the top of the list is if a mom tells the agency to pick. It happens, but not often. So, we keep waiting!

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