Sunday, June 27, 2010

A good idea...on paper

This weekend Lakewood hosted a 3 day city wide sale. Basically a bunch of businesses on Detroit and Madison had street sales. Since so many people would be out wandering the streets, it was the perfect time for residents to have yard sales. The city even organized a website with a listing of all the residential sales so shoppers could plan the best routes. Debbie and I decided to have another adoption yard sale. We didn't enlist a lot of help. We figured everything should be well organized and priced after our last sale..... wrong! The clothes did us in. Hanging what was on hangers, hanging more on hangers, organizing kid clothes, laying out adults shirts, took for ever. We forgot that it started raining at the end of our last sale and the clothes got thrown all together in no particular order. We started bringing over what we were storing at 4pm. I didn't get home until 11pm! At least it was really well organized so we didn't have to get up too early Saturday morning.
We had made our first buck in less than 5 minutes so we had high hopes. Unfortunately, that was the only excitement for a while. We had bursts of people, but we found out that their were around 90 sales going on, not including businesses. People were out, but they had a lot to see so we didn't get the traffic we saw for our last sale. We ended up making about a third of what we did at the beginning of the month. That stunk, but we still managed to have some fun. We thought about doing one more sale, but we decided we're done. We split some of the bigger items that didn't sell and we'll try to get rid of them on Craigs List. The rest is going to the City Mission and Good Will. The sales were a good experience, but I wont be doing another one ANY time soon!

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